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Kom i gangTysk - singelhead stetoskop med byttbar diafragm for hygiene
3 farger - velg farge.
Luxamed i Tyskland skriver selv: The flat-head stethoscope Sonus Flat Flex with Exchangable-Diaphragm-System guarantees an optimal sound and the risk of germ transmission can almost be excluded. Due to the quick exchange of the diaphragm, the stethoscope is ready for use within few seconds. The use of polluting disposable stethoscopes or the required time-consuming disinfection process of the diaphragm is no longer necessary. Whether in ambulance, emergency bag or simply for blood pressure measurement – the Sonus Flat Flex is setting new standards by efficiency and safety! Characteristics Flat-head chestpiece made of aluminium, black, for Exchangable-Diaphragm-System Binaurals made of aluminium, thus low deadweight with nevertheless excellent acoustics. no use of phthalates (DEHP free) latex-free