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Kom i gangMål hverandres kroppstemperatur helt uten berøring, og finn ut om dere bør klemme eller ikke. Febertermometeret måler på ett sekund og viser temperaturen på en skjerm. in just ONE SECOND, with no waiting time. As soon as you have the result, the equipment alerts you with a sound and a small vibration. • Safe and hygienic, thanks to non-contact measurement. • Fever alarm. The team warns by three sounds when the temperature detected in the patient is too tall. • Measurement distance: up to 5 cm. • Incorrect distance warning. If the equipment detects the distance of 5 cm of measure, it will show it by screen using the symbols 0-5 cm, so it can be corrected. • Suitable for adult, paediatric and newborn patients. • Adjustable temperature units: oC and oF • Power supply: 2 x AAA batteries (not included) • Resolution: 0.1oC • Accuracy: 0.2oC